Wednesday, July 28, 2010

5 Months Old

Really? 5 months already?? Time with baby number three is going at a supersonic speed for me! Why don't pregnancies go this fast...Anyway, about this cutie pie, Chloe is just super cute right now. This is one of my favorite ages. Chloe is very predictable and adaptable. She usually downs her bottle in 15 minutes, and since she only gets 4 feedings a day, I spend a lot less time feeding her and a lot more time playing. In addition to avocados, she's also now eating sweet potatoes. I made them myself with the food processor (I shouldn't say "made" since all I did was cut them and push a button) and it was so cheap and easy! Chloe's favorite form of entertainment is her sisters, and finding things to put in her mouth. She is a terrible hair puller and she's very grabby. Needless to say, my hair is almost always in a ponytail and I don't wear hanging earrings. She still takes three naps a day and sleeps through the night from 8:30 - 6:30. Check back next month when she'll be halfway to her first birthday, and we'll have some stats to share too!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Weekend News

Here are some pics from our weekend, which was interesting and busy. I spent Friday and Saturday in Phoenix at a home school convention while the girls stayed home with various caregivers. Everyone survived without me, although Sophie did get a black eye while playing with uncle Josh (completely by accident). It was great to get home to my family and Sunday was a typical day for us. I captured the girls playing Candyland with daddy, Sophie during her piano lesson, and the beautiful sunset to end the day.

Monday, July 19, 2010

A is for Avocado

As much as I wanted to wait until Chloe was 6 months to start solids, this little girl had different plans. Chloe is constantly grabbing for food, opening her mouth and licking her lips while watching us eat, and you can just forget about trying to drink anything while holding her because she thinks it's for her. One day while slicing an avocado, she almost started hyperventilating in her bumbo watching me. I decided to mash some up with a little formula and see what she would do. Well, she's a fan. She opened her mouth nice and wide for the spoon and after each bite she squealed and waved her hands in anticipation of the next bite. She's had avocados three days in a row now, and she finished every morsel each time. It's been fun for me and a completely different experience from her older sisters who never cared for those first baby foods. Time to start making lots of baby food!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Got Drool?

Chloe is a drooling machine lately. She also loves to blow raspberries, which just give the drool more distance. Check her out demonstrating her new trick in her new exersaucer!


Sophie and Zoe started gymnastics last week and loved it. Zoe's favorite part was the tumbling and trampoline, and Sophie's favorite was the balance beam (or balance "bean" as Zoe calls it). Both girls have been asking everyday if they can go to gymnastics again. Tuesday mornings just isn't enough for them I guess!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Surviving Summer

It's the most brutal part of the year for us here in Tucson. Temperatures are close to 110, and the humiditiy is rising. We got a few raindrops today, but we're waiting anxiously for the skies to open and cool everything. We spend a lot of time inside of course, so the girls are getting more and more creative about ways to keep busy. Today they played one of their favorites, "obstacle course" with a twist: naked! They also ran through the sprinklers, and after dinner we're heading to the pool, where Sophie now swims under water and can doggie paddle her way around. Zoe mostly sings and dances in the pool, and Chloe has even taken a dip in the water!

July Crafts

In anticipation of the 4th, the girls have been doing some crafts in red, white and blue. It also gave us a reason to use my new craft punches! The girls have been learning all about the American flag, and I've also been teaching them a few patriotic songs. Sophie was singing "God Bless America" as we did our grocery shopping yesterday! They love to march around the house waving their flags that Andy bought them, and Chloe enjoys the entertainment!