Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Little Sister

Sophie is so excited - she's going to have a little sister! She even got to see pictures of her and wanted to share them with you. Now she just has to practice saying her name: Zoe Danielle!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Silly Girl

That's not how to play with the exersaucer! At least our little girl has an imagination and can get creative with her toys.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

What is This??

What a sight for Tucson!! Of course we know what that white stuff is, but we came to Tucson so we wouldn't have to see it again!

Friday, January 19, 2007

8 Months Old

Well this is two days over due, but Sophie is still 8 months old! We even have a current weight since we went to the doctor today for a little virus. She weighs 18 pounds 6 ounces. So that means she's gained 8 ounces in the last month. Not bad for someone who goes on strike when it comes to eating her cereal and fruits and vegetables! Sophie is in great shape for an 8-month-old. She crawls pretty fast now, and she can cruise pretty well. She's even taken a couple of steps to get from our chair to the couch. She's also getting good at saying mama and dada, although not always to the correct person. And I swear she said kitty cat, but it was probably just a coincidence. As usual, you can really see that she's growing. Her pooh bear is much smaller than her now, and as Sophie's been growing, her mommy's lap has been getting smaller!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


After spending a week in the warm tropical weather in Maui, we were shocked to come home to record setting temperatures. It was 28 degrees in Phoenix the day we returned. At least we have our memories... We all had a great time with our family in Hawaii. Sophie had a hard time adjusting to the time change and the lack of any schedule, but she still had a lot of fun. One day the siblings and babies headed to the Maui Ocean Center for some good old fish watching. Sophie especially liked the super sized aquarium with the big sharks. She also had fun on the beach, and she even enjoyed sampling some local Maui sand. Sophie's other favorite activity in Hawaii was playing with her cousins. She followed Chase everywhere, and she loved playing with his cars. She also loved her little cousin Tanner and made sure to smother him with kisses whenever she got the chance. While in Maui, Sophie also mastered a new skill: clapping hands! We thought the tooth fairy was going to visit her on vacation, but it looks like we'll just have to watch and see when she shows up at home. We know grammy and gump miss their grandchildren, but we imagine that they are enjoying a quiet, kid-free and toy-free end to their time in Hawaii!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Here Comes Trouble!

Today while mommy was packing for our trip to Hawaii, Sophie decided it would be a good idea to take all of the bags out of the pantry. This is called "helping." She also likes to "help" with the dishwasher, but daddy says that her version of "helping" is actually breaking it, so no more dishes until she's a bit older.