9 months old

I'm so glad it's Leap Year because otherwise I would have had to do Zoe's picture on March 1st! You probably can't tell in the picture, but little miss Zoe has been sick as a dog for the past 5 days. She had just recovered from Strep when her big sister gave her the stomach flu. We went to the doctor yesterday and found out that she also has an ear infection! So she has had 2 big shots in the past week. Fortunately her 9 month check up doesn't include any vaccinations. She doesn't go for her official check up for another couple of weeks, but they did weigh her at her sick visit. She's a whopping 19 lbs 6 oz! They didn't check her height, so you'll have to check back to find out where she stands in comparison to other 9 month olds. There's not too much else to report. The only new things that she does is say "hi" and "yay". She can move around in her own clumsy way, but I wouldn't call it crawling! As much as we have tried to prolong the inevitable, I think that she will be chasing after Sophie in the next week or two, so keep checking back to see her in action!