Both girls have been practicing some new skills. Sophie has been having fun helping mommy cook by using a butter knife to cut veggies. I observed her using a new technique - holding the knife upside down!
Zoe has also been practicing with utensils. Today she ate her yogurt all by herself (while I tended to a vomiting Sophie). I was impressed with how little yogurt ended up on her and how much actually made it into her mouth. Another skill that she showed off the other day is taking off her diaper. For the past couple of weeks she has been telling me when she pees in her diaper. She grabs the bulky crotch area and says "pee!!" When she poops she comes to me, grabs her diaper and says "butt!!" Since she has been there every step of the way of Sophie's toilet training, I figured maybe it was time to start her on the potty too. She loves to sit on it, but she doesn't quite understand that you only get M&Ms when the pee or poop actually makes it in the potty. Oh well. We have been so pleased with Sophie and how quickly she learned to use the potty. Maybe Zoe will be out of diapers by the time she's two!