Sophie had her offiicial birthday party on the 16th. A handful of her friends came over to play in the pool and eat pizza and cake. I was so busy being hostess that I never took a single picture (bad mommy), so we'll have to wait until I can copy some from friends to see the highlights. There is a video on the way too thanks to Uncle Josh.
On Sophie's actual birthday she got her present from mommy and daddy (a big kid bike) and from Grammy. That night we had dinner at Grandma Laura's where she got to open even more presents! After days of celebrating, Sophie spent the first day after her birthday trying out all of her gifts. Some of her favorites are her new bike, roller skates, a basketball hoop and ball, books, games and puzzles. She got very nice presents from all of her friends, and more are on the way thanks to some checks that arrived in the mail! Zoe has been a very good sport about waiting until her birthday for the rest of her presents from family, since she did get to open a bunch of presents at her birthday party.