Andy & Mara's Family
Thursday, January 28, 2010
33 weeks

I don't think we've posted much about baby #3 other than the sonogram pictures. We're gearing up for the final weeks before baby is born, and I'm definitely feeling some pressure to get everything done. There's no delusions this time about how easy or hard it's going to be, although I can't imagine anything being harder than having Sophie and Zoe so close together. So far the pregnancy has been good. Our biggest concern right now is making it to 36 weeks (officially Feb. 16th). In order to have the birth at home, the baby has to be born between 36 and 42 weeks. Next week I will be getting the Fetal Fibronectin Test (a preterm labor test), and if we get a negative result we can expect to make it to the 36 week cut off. The baby is doing great, measuring perfectly, head down and facing backward. Baby has already dropped, which is rather uncomfortable for me but hopefully will result in little to no pushing (with Zoe I only pushed twice). The biggest excitement is the ongoing question of boy or girl?? The girls are adamant that they only want a sister, and Zoe went as far as to say, "If I have to a brother, can it be a girl brother?" After the gender question, my next question is when??? We expect to meet baby earlier rather than later, and my personal prediction is that the baby will be born on our anniversary (Feb. 25th). We welcome everyone's predictions on baby's gender and birthday, and are still accepting suggestions for girl names!
P.S. This picture was taken by Sophie:)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Blanket Fort

It's been a little chilly here in Tucson, and the other day the storms actually caused us to lose power! So today the girls decided to make a cozy fort to hang out in with their new flashlights that daddy got them (in case the power goes out again). They had snack in there, read books and even enforced a "no mommy" rule. And the fort even had a roof!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Barbie Princess Party

Today we went to the girls' friend Shea's Barbie Princess 4th birthday party. The day was filled with fun activities for all the little princesses: tiara decorating, manicures, pinata and of course a Barbie cake that my friend Sharon made herself! The girls had a blast celebrating with their friend, and I enjoyed having something extra special to do with them on a Saturday! We have another Barbie party in two weeks - guess that's what 4 year old girls like!
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Fire Station Tour

This week our playgroup went to the local fire station for a tour. It was fun for the kids and the parents got a lot of questions answered (such as, no, you should not get rid of your land line because the emergency crew can't locate you just from a cell phone). The kids loved climbing in the trucks, and the fire fighters loved showing off their uniforms and safety equipment!
Friday, January 01, 2010
Happy New Year!

We had a quiet New Year's celebration at home. After eating hot dogs and playing an exciting game of Chutes and Ladders, we all settled down with homemade smores and watched Toy Story. The girls got to stay up past 9 (that's a BIG deal) and Andy and I just barely made it to midnight to give each other a New Year's kiss before falling asleep. We woke up at 9 the next morning - before the girls! For New Year's day we went to the park for a picnic lunch and to play on the playground, then we returned home to go for a bike ride through the neighborhood. It was a beautiful day - almost 70 degrees! It was the perfect start to what we hope is a happy, healthy and prosperous year for everyone. Happy New Year!