Really? 5 months already?? Time with baby number three is going at a supersonic speed for me! Why don't pregnancies go this fast...Anyway, about this cutie pie, Chloe is just super cute right now. This is one of my favorite ages. Chloe is very predictable and adaptable. She usually downs her bottle in 15 minutes, and since she only gets 4 feedings a day, I spend a lot less time feeding her and a lot more time playing. In addition to avocados, she's also now eating sweet potatoes. I made them myself with the food processor (I shouldn't say "made" since all I did was cut them and push a button) and it was so cheap and easy! Chloe's favorite form of entertainment is her sisters, and finding things to put in her mouth. She is a terrible hair puller and she's very grabby. Needless to say, my hair is almost always in a ponytail and I don't wear hanging earrings. She still takes three naps a day and sleeps through the night from 8:30 - 6:30. Check back next month when she'll be halfway to her first birthday, and we'll have some stats to share too!