Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Chloe's Update

The results are in, and Chloe is...following in her sisters' footsteps! She weighs 15 lbs 8 oz (50%) and is 27 inches tall (90%), tall and beautiful. Our appointment was uneventful. The doctor said he didn't know what to tell me since by the third child you're expected to know what you're doing! Chloe got three shots and once again did not do so well the rest of the day. This is a new experience for us since her big sisters never had reactions to their shots. Chloe spent the day crying and vomiting. Being outdoors seemed to help along with regular doses of motrin. She seems better today, and fortunately it will be 3 months before we have to go through it again.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Road Trip Indiana

We had a great trip to Indiana last week. In addition to the family reunion, we went to the Indiana State Fair, the Indianapolis Childrens Musuem, and we got to visit with some of Andy's old friends. We used our new Flip more than we did the regular camera, so as soon as we learn how to upload and edit the videos, we'll post the more interesting footage on here.

On the plane headed to Indy



Indiana State Fair


At the 114th Martin Bash Smith Family Reunion


Sophie dressed like Spiderman while visiting Andy's friends


Chihuly Glass Exhibit at the Indianapolis Childrens Musuem

Barbie Exhibit







Egypt Exhibit

Rockstars Cars and Guitars Exhibit

6 Months Old

Here we are, half-way through Chloe's first year and still having a blast! Chloe is such a great baby. She's continuing to develop by the book, sitting up on her own just a couple weeks before turning 6 months. She also can retrieve her pacifier by herself now, which is very helpful since she seems so attached to it. She still loves to eat and remains a great sleeper. She seems to be ready to transition from three naps to two naps a day. She has developed some stranger anxiety, and she definitely knows her sisters and gets very excited when she sees their faces. We go for her check up tomorrow, so check back for her stats!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day at Grandma's

On Saturday we spent the day at Grandma Laura's. The girls had fun swimming and playing dress up with Grandma's skirts, and of course snuggling with Papa Chuck!

East Coast Visitors

We enjoyed having Grammy and Gump come visit us, and we also got to see Uncle Brian for a few days. The girls loved having a larger audience for their "performances", and I appreciated the extra helping hands. Andy and I even got to sneak out for a date!