Three Months Old

Sophie rang in her three month birthday at the same place she entered the world - TMC hospital. Our poor little baby spent the evening in the ER where she was diagnosed with hand, foot, mouth disease. Apparantly this is a common illness in babies, and she should be better really soon. On a more positive note, Sophie has gained some new skills in the past week. She can now pick up objects and hold them in her hands for short periods. She seems to prefer her left hand, but I'm sure it will be awhile before we know if she'll be a lefty or righty. She can also lift her head and chest when on her tummy, and she's getting really good at rolling over from her belly to her back. She's not so confident going the other way yet! We went to the doctor today, and her official weight is...12 pounds! We don't know her length since this appointment was just a follow-up from the hospital, but 12 pounds is exactly right for a three-month-old. We're very proud of our little trooper, and we hope everyone else is enjoying watching her grow!