6 months old

Zoe turned 6 months today! She is cuter than ever and really starting to show off her personality. Some new things that she is doing are: sleeping through the night consistently (yay!), laughing at things that people do besides tickling her, turning the pages in books and actually letting me read to her! Zoe used to protest being read to, but she has begun to really enjoy reading and chewing on books. She can almost sit up on her own. She tends to fall to one side after a few seconds, but occasionally she will sit by herself for awhile. We celebrated her 6 month birthday by going to the doctor. Zoe got 4 shots and Sophie got one shot. Sophie was more upset about having to get weighed (a right of passage for all girls) than she was about the shot! The official stats are:
Zoe: 16 lbs 11 oz (50th - 75th percentile) and 27 1/8 in (90th percentile)
Sophie: 27 lbs 7 oz (75th - 90th percentile) and 33 3/8 in (90th - 95th percentile)