All three girls attended swim classes 4 days a week for the entire month of June. It made for interesting mornings since swim class was right during Chloe's morning nap. Fortunately, she loves the water so much that once she got in she stopped fussing about being tired. She also ended up taking one big nap in the middle of the day for those 4 weeks. Fortunately we're back to our regular 2 naps a day and a somewhat normal schedule (whatever normal is!).

On the last day of each session, all of the students get to have popsicles. The girls did great this year. Chloe was in the parent-tot class. Whenever the teacher asked her to blow bubbles or kick her legs, she would say no. It wasn't until the second session that we figured out that if we just sang the song, "This is the way we blow our bubbles etc..." she would do whatever was that they wanted her to do! Zoe was in level 1 again this year, but she made a lot of improvements. She still doesn't swim on her own, but she goes all the way under the water now and jumps into the pool in the shallow areas where she can touch. She really wants to be able to swim and keep up with Sophie, but she's just a little nervous still about not having at least one toe on the bottom of the pool! And Sophie made amazing strides this year. She started in level 2 and then advanced to level 3 where they learn the breast stroke and the back stroke. After the second session they advanced her to level 4, but we weren't planning on doing session 3 so we'll have to wait for next summer. Sophie is very interested in being on the swim team. They have had six-year-olds before, as long as they can swim one lap without stopping and without help. Right now Sophie can swim about a half lap (maybe more) using the free-style stroke without stopping. We'll have to see how much she improves by the end of the summer, and how much she forgets between then and next summer!

The other babies in the parent-tot class didn't get popsicles, but this third child was not about to miss out on what her big sisters were getting! She may be a little bit spoiled, but at least she has a generous heart.