Wednesday, August 29, 2007

3 Months Old

Another month has flown by! Zoe is three months old today. I'm not really sure what to say about that. I guess the good news is she is sleeping through the night now. To make up for sleeping 10 straight hours, she has been eating a lot more during the day. Otherwise, Zoe is just a wonderful baby. She is super smiley and of course fascinated by everything that she sees. I remember with Sophie that 3 months - 9 months was a very exciting time. I can't wait to see what new skills Zoe masters this month!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Family Pictures

It's a rare occasion when we manage to get the whole family into a picture, so we decided to take advantage of the extra people around the house. We took a nice picture and a funny picture of Andy and me with the girls. Then we got a beautiful shot of the girls with Grandma Ann and Claaaaaark (that's what Sophie calls him). Grandma and Grandpa leave tomorrow to meet up with their other granddaughter Lauren who will be in Oklahoma with her mommy and daddy. It's been a lot of fun having them here and we can't wait for their next trip out west!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Grandpa's girls

All of these pictures were taken by Grandpa Clark. He discovered that it's rather challenging to snap pictures of such busy babies! We think he did a great job. He caught Zoe smiling a couple of times and one with Sophie trying to show Zoe the sticker she got at the doctor for being so brave about her shot. There's also a shot of Sophie relaxing with Grandma Ann. You can see the band-aid on Sophie's arm from her appointment earlier in the day. She had to get one shot. Not bad considering at her last appointment she had to get four! And Sophie officially weighs 24 lbs 13 oz. and measures 31 3/4 inches. She is in the 75% for both height and weight. You can tell from the last picture that Sophie enjoys eating her lunch. That's what keeps her growing so well!

Friday, August 17, 2007

15 Months Old

Sophie is 15 months old today! You may have noticed that we don't do her Pooh Bear picture every month now. We thought that every 3 months would be enough to see some significant change. This picture was challenging because Sophie kept climbing down off the chair faster than I could take the picture. I also wanted her to wear this cute barrette that matches her outfit, but she kept taking that out before I could snap the photo. That pretty much describes life with a 15 month old. Always on the go...busy busy busy! This age is a lot of fun though. Sophie is running around and chattering constantly. The only time she's not moving is when she is asleep, and even then she can be pretty squirmy!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Nothing Special

There's nothing exciting to report today, but I wanted to put up the picture of Zoe in her Bumbo seat. This is mostly for her aunt Liz's benefit since cousin Lauren has one too. Lauren is 4 weeks older than Zoe and sits much better in hers! It's a lot of fun for me to see what new things Lauren is doing because I know Zoe will be doing them soon too!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Sharon!

Sharon is my very good friend, and yesterday another friend of ours hosted a surprise dinner party for her! It was very sneaky since Sharon's birthday was a couple of weeks ago. Devi and her husband prepared a fabulous dinner of grilled steaks, asparagus, rice and salad. After dinner we decorated an incredible chocolate cake with 40 candles! Sharon's husband Thom did a great job of keeping the party a secret. In fact, it took Sharon a few minutes after arriving to really understand that we weren't all just partying without her, but that the party was for her!

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

At Sharon's party, Shea and Sophie had a lot of fun playing together. One of their favorite things to do was climb up and down the ledge in front of the fireplace. They also enjoyed playing with Zoe's car seat. Zoe went swimming for the first time (no pic of that) and then passed out in Andy's lap! It was fun watching the girls run around together. I hope they grow up to be as good friends as Sharon and me:)

Friday, August 10, 2007

My Girls

We've been stuck indoors due to the monsoon rains and hot temperatures, but the girls have been very good natured about it. Sophie loves to write on paper (and herself) and it looks likes she's taking after her daddy. Not only can I not read what she writes, but she uses her right hand all the time now. Zoe has really been enjoying her swing. She doesn't actually swing in it. She just sits and enjoys looking at the animals on the mobile. Sometimes Sophie likes to go and give her a kiss or a little pat on the head. Zoe adores her big sister! And I'm looking forward to cooler weather and being able to go for walks to the park!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Over the weekend Sophie helped me bake brownies to bring to a friend that just had a baby. I showed her how to lick the spoon, but the batter mostly got all over her face. Today we baked cookies for daddy, and while daddy was sitting on the couch with the plate of cookies, Sophie decided to just help herself to one of them. She shoved most of the cookie in her mouth, stepped on the pieces that fell to the floor, then made chocolate footprints all over the living room. Thank goodness the cleaning lady comes tomorrow!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Me too! Me too!

Whatever Zoe does, Sophie wants to do it too. Today I put out the activity mat so Zoe could have some tummy time, and immediately Sophie got down on the floor to play with her sister. Later, after checking up on Lauren's blog, I got out our baby bumbo seat to see if Zoe could sit in it (she can). As soon as I took her out, Sophie took her place. The only problem is that the seat is really designed for infants and Sophie got stuck in it. This did not stop her from sitting in it over and over again, and then yelling "help" to get out of it. Eventually Sophie went down for her nap and Zoe got some much needed one on one time with her mommy. She played on a blanket on the floor while I jingled toys and made silly faces and talked like I had sucked on a helium balloon. You know - those crazy things babies make you do! Oh - if you want to see Lauren in her bumbo seat, go to

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Sophie is in her second swim class, which is the turtle level. This time she goes to class with daddy while mommy attends a seminar. Since there was no seminar this week, I got to watch Sophie and her daddy swimming and take a few pictures. Even though this picture is a little blurry, there's just no mistaking that Sophie LOVES to go down the slide!