2 1/2 Years Old!

Yesterday was Zoe's official half birthday. I'm not sure when we'll stop celebrating these, but for now there is definitely a big difference between a little girl who just turned two and one that is two and a half. Personality wise, Zoe is pretty much the same. She has mellowed some about being a mommy's girl, although she still prefers mommy over anyone else. And she's less concerned with cleaning, except when it comes to her hands. Now, being halfway to three, Zoe is obsessed with doing things herself: getting dressed, going potty, getting in and out of the car, turning the lights on or off, putting the toothpaste on her toothbrush...you get the point. This isn't a problem except on those days when we have to be somewhere in a timely fashion. Fortunately, other than Friday mornings for school, we pretty much just stay home.
Here are some of Zoe's recent milestones: riding her tricycle (she couldn't reach the pedals before), riding the big girl balance bike, giving up diapers, using scissors, and "reading" books out loud that she has memorized. Her favorite color is still pink (and her favorite book is Pinkalicious). She is still a great eater, and recently she discovered she likes shrimp (it's pink of course, why wouldn't she like it??)! Zoe loves to play pretend with her big sister. They take turns pretending to be the mommy, the daddy or the baby. They also pretend doctor and school. Zoe loves music. She's just getting over her Taylor Swift phase and is now in Annie the musical mode. She can sing the whole "It's a Hard Knock Life" song, as well as several others. Occasionally I'll hear her yell out, "We love you Miss Hannigan!" Zoe is excited to be a big sister, and we think she's going to be a big help to mommy and daddy when the new baby comes. She's already been willing to move rooms and give over some of her furniture, so we're hoping that she'll remain good-natured during this big change!!