Another month gone by...here's the big girl with Pooh Bear. Zoe did two new things to celebrate being 10 months old. The first thing she did was stand all by herself. It was only for 5 or 10 seconds, but she definitely is beginning to gain better balance. The other thing she did was point to a bird and say, "bird!" Pointing is one of Zoe's favorite things to do now. Sometimes she points randomly, but other times she names the thing she sees: "book", "baba" for bottle, and "pot" for cat. Another one of Zoe's favorite activities is eating. I am blown away by how much cheese and yogurt she can eat. Those are definitely her favorite foods, but she's also fond of apples, chicken, macaroni and cheese and pears. During meal time we practice the signs for "more" and "all done." Zoe is also practicing drinking more from her sippy cup and less from the bottle. She's growing up so fast! She tries so hard to keep up with her big sister, and now they've started to imitate each other. It's really fun to watch them interact with each other. If you haven't watched the video of them giggling, I highly recommend it. You can't watch it and not feel happy!